, pub-9220471781781135, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Earn Staying Home: Earn from restaurant business near home

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Earn from restaurant business near home

  • Consider opening a restaurant, bakery, hotel, pizzeria, bar, coffee house, tea stall, motel or lodge near your home to make money.
  • In today’s fast living scenario doing the above mentioned business is much profitable.
  • If the business center is located close to your residence, it will be very easy for you to manage besides saving on time and transportation.
  • Provide tasty and nutritious food. The customers will eat happily. (Also they need not to wash the plates and utensils.)
  • Consider setting up of equipment, inventory, staff, sanitation, hygiene, financial management Etc. well in advance to lead a successful business easily near home.

Three Bajji for Rs.20/-

Have a bajji. It may be a plantain bajji (banana bajji / vazhaikkai bajji), onion bajji (vengaya bajji), brinjal bajji (kaththarikkai bajji)...