, pub-9220471781781135, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Earn Staying Home: What is Samana ?

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

What is Samana ?

Samana has multiple meanings, including:

Peaceful person

In Buddhism, a Samana is a peaceful person, such as an ascetic, recluse, or contemplative.

Sanskrit term

In Sanskrit, Samana means "pacification," "mitigation," or "alleviation". It comes from the root words sam, meaning "together," and an, meaning "to breathe" or "blow".


In yoga, Samana is one of the five vayus, or energies, that make up prana in the body. Samana is located in the navel and is associated with digestion, the stomach, pancreas, liver, and intestinal tract.


In Ayurvedic medicine, Samana is a type of langhana treatment that uses herbal therapy, exercise, sun exposure, and other methods to relieve heaviness in the body.


In Śārīraguṇa, Samana is the action associated with Manda, which means "dull".

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