Say get rich quick, become a millionaire fast, earn uncountable revenue, or earn enormous money. Go through the following several ideas or tips, and decide weather to follow or not.
· Start investing as early as possible and as much as feasible, and live a frugal life while saving the money. Don’t lay all the eggs in a single basket. Diversify. Wait for the amount of invested money to grow.
· Marry someone who is very rich.
· Buy lotteries to win great amount of money.
· Study well, get good marks in competitive examinations, get selected for a well-paid job or good job, and earn money.
· Have side businesses as well.
· Be the owner of many different shops, employ good workers and earn while you are at work or not.
· Act in movies and become a famous star.
· Invest in some risky businesses like stock market, share market, mutual fund, chit fund and real estate.
· Learn and earn from home through internet.
· Carry on expanding your businesses carefully.